Friday, December 25, 2009

What do you think of me plz answer 10pts myspace?

Do you think i am a pretty attractive guy plz i need answers

add me as a friend

can i have a 1 out of 10

i am going to pick a best answer so 10 points are on the line for the honest and respectful answer

What do you think of me plz answer 10pts myspace?

Sure, but I'd like to see what's behind the sunglasses;)

Hmm...I would say an 8?

But looks don't really matter to me

What do you think of me plz answer 10pts myspace?


sorry, no offence.

you're just not my type.

What do you think of me plz answer 10pts myspace?

if i give you a 10 will you give me 10 (points) ???

What do you think of me plz answer 10pts myspace?


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