Sunday, December 6, 2009

So theres this guy....?

and his friends tell me that he likes me a lot. Him and his friends never talk to me in person ONLY on myspace which gets kinda annoying.

But when at school, i sit a few tables away from their table. Whenever i turn around i always see him and his friends looking at me. When im at the hallway and when i pass by that guy that likes me he just stares at me and he WONT look away. Which is weird because hes a shy guy and dont shy guys look away when you catch them looking at you?

So instead i wave and say hi to him and he just stares right at my eyes and opens his mouth and nothing comes out.

And when im sitting by the stairs before class him and his friends pass by me a million times.

And today he commented me on myspace and said "hey baby" and "you know what?..i want to talk to you in school but i get nervous"

He didnt tell me that he liked me...his friends had to tell me because hes SHY.

What is all this?? does he really like me...cuz he talks to a lot of other girls on myspace also?

So theres this guy....?

this might help...but it would be kind of mean...say sorry...but you need to grow up before i date you....that way maybe he'll work up the guts to ask you himself...if he really wants you that is...

So theres this guy....?

yea he really likes u he just doesnt want to screw up so thts why he doesnt say anythin and as for those other grls he feels like he can talk to them b/c he doesnt like them so make the move for him

So theres this guy....?

of course that he likes u, just ... u know that guys r immature, and usually they don't have good approach. so, give him time, and continue talking to him on my space. p.s. u know that body language is very important, so maybe u should do the same when he passes, stare at him, and open Ur mouth ... maybe then he'll understand u better ... ;)

So theres this guy....?

He likes you. He can talk to other girls because he doesn't like them as much. I was met a guy in HS like this. Its frustrating. Years later he told me I make him nervous because he likes me and that was what his behavior was about... he was afraid of being a jerk or sounding stupid.. hope this helps...

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