Monday, December 28, 2009

Guy in my class?

alright so i go to college for massage therapy and im still trying to get obver the break up of mr and my last bf but last week i noticed this guy in 2 of my classes and he is just sooooo cute!and so we made small talk and everything when we had out break but im thinking well hes gonna be seeing me half naked anyways why not date him right if i think hes cute and yesterday i added him to my friends list on myspace and he added me back.....noly problem is i dunno how to ask the guy out and i don't wnat to sound sleezy or cheesy or anything.

Guy in my class?

keep your cool, keep hanging out, dont move too quickly. If he's not an idiot and he really does like you, he'll give you a real clear sign, trust me. - Jamie

Guy in my class?

Ask him if he wants to go for coffee with you and chat him up when you do til he gets the hint(s).

Good luck :-)

Guy in my class?

Don't ask the guy out. Wait for him to ask you instead. That way you won't sound cheesy or sleezy.

Guy in my class?

let him make the first move. good luck

Guy in my class?

I dont no anything about adult relasionships cos im 10 lol but i would say just ask him but dont get nervous if he says no is obvisously a nut but just go 4 it and if i was his age i no what i would say!!!

Guy in my class?

WEll.. when your gonna asked a guy out. You want to make it sound cool. so you should just walk up to him and say like you always talk to him and be like," Hey, umm do you want to go get some coffee or fet a soda or something. You know and maybe later.... (cut your self off and then tell him that you like him and tell him how you fell about him but don't stalk him or anything cuz that'll just freak him out) but go slow and don't preasure him cuz a guy needs to chill and think of you and say to himself what he thinks about you and you never know, he might come down a corner and say," do you want to go out!"

Guy in my class?

It's obvious you're just a man-crazy drama queen with the I.Q. of a turnip. Do the guy a favor and give him a chance to find a woman with at least half a brain before you jump in and ruin his life.

Guy in my class?

If he feels the same way about you, then he should be the one to do the asking.

Guy in my class?

Dont ask. Let him. If he doesnt want to then maybe hes not the right guy. Just let him. Maybe you can start a rumor so he knows you like him. It might work and he might ask you...

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