Friday, December 25, 2009

Gay or straight on myspace?

this guy i like has a picture of him and a girl on myspace. Does that necessarily mean he's straight? also on his "orientation" it say "NO ANSWER!"

Gay or straight on myspace?

my friends and i (who are all gay/lesbian) have a theory about that whole "no answer" thing.... we all believe it means that YES they are gay or at the very least bi.

And to quote the L Word.. Youre either straight until youre not or youre gay until youre not.... so just go for it

ps.. pictures on myspace are NOT the end all be all... i have one of myself and my gay guy friend kissing and believe me hon NEITHER one of us is in any way straight =)

Gay or straight on myspace?

Could just be a friend.

Could just be Bi- I dont think there is an option for that on Myspace profile.

Gay or straight on myspace?

why should it matter? maybe he is bi.

In any event, a lot depends on if you want exclusivity or not. Some straight guys like to mess around with gay guys on occasion.

Gay or straight on myspace?

I know guys who have wives and kids and are gay... so a picture certainly isn't the determining factor.... If he's single and you're interested say "hi"...

Gay or straight on myspace?

Hey genuis, look we're friends! I better stop harrassing you, you're probably 12...

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