ok look my friend has a boyfriend named Anthony and they got in a fight today cause he said that someone told him that she was flirting with other guys and he didn't like it to much are you following me here i hope so o.k. now she got on her Myspace and was looking at people that were online and this girl we know had her name as Me%26amp;%26amp;Anthony ok you got that? hope so ok so we got on my Myspace and i wrote her and asked Anthony who? and she wrote me back and she said his last name and it was the same guy my friend is with which my friend and Anthony never broke up ok are you understanding this like i said i hope so ok so now he isnt texting back(he might be asleep) and she doesnt know what to do please help her (im trying to make this as clear as i can i hope you understand and can help thanks a bunch!!)
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if it sounded like i was being a smart ace** i`m sorry i didn't mean for it to come out that way
Guy problems please help?
No wonder they say teenagers are such dorks
Guy problems please help?
this sounds really juevenile.
just tell her to break up with that immature ***.
Guy problems please help?
I wouldn't worry about it that much it might just be a crazy stalker type of girl. I would just sit it out and ask him about it and if he dosn't get back with the texts then it is prob over between the two of them and he just didn't have the b#lls to tell her.
Guy problems please help?
don't take it to farr yet.
there was this girl one time that was so pissed, she broke it off with her b/f cus she thought mine was gonna dump me for her?
i still ? where she got that idea, but it wasnt true.
she might just be jumping the gun.
ask her why she has that as her name.
and then ask him if they're still together. if he says yes, then ask him about her, not necessarily if they're dating just if he's been talking to her or anything, and then bring up the fact that her myspace name is that.
don't get all caught up in it, she's prolly just being stupid.
Guy problems please help?
wow... that's is ridiculous...
Thats why you shouldnt listen to miss to ppl tell you about your partner.....
HE's the onewrong here he should trust her more.
Guy problems please help?
so this anthony person is cheating on your friend, right???
well, i would probably break up with that guy
there's no way im gonna continue dating with a guy like him
Guy problems please help?
alright... so lets get this straight...
guy1 hear rumors bout girl 1 flirting with guy234
girl1 got onto guy1's myspace, found girl2
girl2 says she's with guy1
girl1 doesn't know what to do
if that's the case, confront him about it, but dont jump to conclusions like he did
try and figure it out like adults and such
if he is cheating on her, she should leave him, or he should clean up his act and be faithful like a good boyfriend should be
if im wrong about the situation, please explain it more to help me understand better :)
Guy problems please help?
Why not show your friend what you saw on Myspace.
Usually when an individual is possessive to that point is usually means that individual is cheating. We call it "mirroring". Your friend might not be cheating, however her male friend is cheating and mirroring it to your friend.
Read a book on psychology it is very interesting and one is able to learn quite a bit. Just remember a little knowledge is able to do more harm than no knowledge, therefore read the whole book.
Dr. Phil has a book out about relationships and there are books in your local library regarding psychology. Psychology is very interesting and applicable in every day life.
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