Friday, December 25, 2009

How guy question?

if ive knwon this guy 4 a long time and weve been talking and flirting on myspace how do i ask him 4 his # or get him 2 ask me 4 mine helllppp

How guy question?

ummm say "hey give me your # so we can talk sometime" or offer yours to him.

How guy question?

Just tell him you want his number... He's going to say yes.

How guy question?

I don't know you, but one way is to ASK

How guy question?

Well I personally find a partly serious joke or a comment that kinda passes the question at a distance is a good way. Like its keeping your defences up but giving the other an opportunity to say somethinh they might actually have wanted to say on the topic...

For example...

"Its so funny we have chatted all this time and I havent even heard your voice."

Thats just off the top of my head. Personally though, I would just take the plunge.

Just ask if he wants to talk sometime voice to voice :P

If he lets you down, asking in a joking like manner will kill some of the sting. Though if you flirt with each other, unless he is too shy, doesnt sound like he will let you down.

Guys do wish women made more of the first moves.

How funny would it be if I was the guy :P

Anyway, good luck :)

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