Saturday, November 28, 2009


Supposably, a cop or something is trying to be my friend because I posted something innapropriate on my myspace. I heard this from a guy at school and have no clue if it is true. If I said I drink, would that be a reason for a cop to add me? I am very confused.


Why would cops waste their time on myspace? I have only heard of them using the internet to get people in trouble for soliciting sex to a minor.... like that Dateline NBC show.

It is probably someone impersonating a cop, don't add them. It could be dangerous!

EDIT: no, you can't get in trouble even if it was a cop. The person who supplies the alcohol to you (since you are a minor) would be in trouble. Just be careful of what you say on the net.


No Hunny, because he doesn't know you! Tell him to mind his own buisniness!


I don't know of a cop adding people because of drinking, or incriminating pics, etc.

But to the person who answered first, cops use myspace all the time.

Its amazing how people can criminalize themselves on there.



ive heard of cops who bust people for all kinds of things on myspace.... like when they claim that they sell drugs and stuff theyll check it out. if you are worried about it then dont accept the cop... what is he gonna do? Either that or delete whatever it is you wrote that you are worried youre going to get caught for. I wouldnt worry about it, just take care of it and do solicit it all over the internet if its soemthing you think youll get in trouble for. or better yet, stop what youre doing thats so bad.


dont believe anything anyone says on myspace. dont add people you dont know!!! dont you watch the news!? i'm 21 and i dont add ppl on myspace. plus, if i said i do coke, who is going to come and arrest me? nobody because they have no idea. just be smart when using myspace and dont add that creep.


Both of them are wrong. A real cop wouldn't do that. That boy was probably passing on a rumor.


don't put any pix up of you drinking and don't put yourself as a smoker or a drinking unless your old enough

i would also set everything as privet and watch who you add as friends and delete the ppl you don't know or trust

at my friends college she did get in trouble because there was pix of her drinking and shes 18 that was w/ her sorority tho

good careful the net is a scary place


everyone on myspace lies i wouldnt believe his a cop just cause he said so. plus, in order to get you for under age drinking he has to see you doing it not you just posting that you like to drink. lol i wouldnt worry so much about it. just dont add him and let his freaky *** botther someone else.


lol...i dont think you can get in trouble. they have no clue what you mean by drink. you could mean you drink water. but if you don't want people to know you drink...either dont do it, or click NO on ur myspace....because im almost 20 and people STILL go back and tell my mother about things that are on my myspace. lol, so i had to set my profile to private. i'd rather have it that way anyway, so no old stalker dudes can see my pictures. ...thats just creepy....and its kind of inapropriate for a cop to be adding you when you are so young. weird if u ask me.


Cops do use myspace. Atleast they do in my town. There is a cop on myspace and monitors stuff like threats and everything. Like around 4/20 when the threats start popping up the cops find the kids and talk to them.

As for drinking and stuff like that, where did you post it, bulletin, blog, comment on another friends page. Unless the "cop" is already your friend then he can't see anything you put on your profile or your bulletins.

Chances are this isn't a cop.

If I were you I'd just ignore who ever it is.


Block the guy and tell someone else that this is going on.


i wouldn't add him, he could be but i doubt he would go on there, if there are worries just delete the thing that says you drink, but yea i wouldn't add him

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