ok so me and my girlfriend have been going out for about 3 months now, she had 2 choose between me and this other guy and she choose me BUT her and the other guy have always still talk on aim/myspace/school even since she choose me over him and theyve been flirting a lot lately (( her friends tell me this )) and idk if i should be jealous or worried that he could come and steal her away for something and it really urks me that she still talks to him A LOT, any advice what i should do? talk to him or her about it?
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? It could be innocent. She could just want to stay good friends with him. Be that as it may, she still shouldn't be flirting. It's normal for you to be jealous and/or worried. Talk to your girlfriend and see what's going on, and watch her, but at the same time, not too closely. She'll feel smothered if you do. Be careful how you do it.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? sucks to be you spankey. HOLLA!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? find another girl!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? Nope, just move on and she'll figure it out. Keep pushing on.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? Talk to her about it first. that is unfair to you that she is playing with you like that. Tell her stright up that if she wants to be with you she needs to knock it off with the flirting.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? definetly talk to her and ask her if she is sure she picked the one she wants to be with!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? you should not be jealous. but you should be worried and you need to talk to her about it. and ask her to not talk to him as much if she wants to stay with you.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? threaten to beat the living crap out of him if he tries anything.
but stay back until you notice activity
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? well if your that jelous then just talk to her and make her feel loved then you shouldn't have any problems
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? You're too young to be involved with such crap. You've got all of your adult life ahead of you to be tormented by women. Get away from her now, enjoy your youth. It goes quickly!!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? I would just talk to her nicely about it. Let her know that you trust her but it still makes you feel (upset, mad, worried, hurt) when she talks to him. Remember it takes a while for a heart to heal even if she doesn't like him like that anymore it might take her a while to realize she has something good(thats you) and she doesn't need him. Don't be to oncoming because you could push her away but it will be harmful for you to hold it all in.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? If you talk to her about it, dont get mad no matter what. Tell her in a romantic way. say something like" Im so afraid of losing you and I dont want to seem jealous but does he still like you?" Tell her you'll give her her space but you just wnated to clear it up...
Good Luck
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? wow, you should talk to both of them about it. you and your girlfriend should be talkingabout this. this is surious. i dont flirting with another guy is right in a relationship. you should talk, it would be the best. if not, it couldruin your relationship.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? i would confront her about the situation. U should tell her tht u (her) have been spending an awful lot of time with this other guy do u like him? u should tell her u really want her u like her a lot and i want our relationship to last
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? find out whats going on then if she still likes him then dump her and find a new girl or talk to her THEN talk to the other guy about what he thinks in case your girlfriend is wrong or something! if anything goes wrong.... i could be your girlfriend
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? You could try either one, if you talk to her, just keep it simple you know, "Your friends told me youv'e been talking to_____ a lot, this kind of hurts my feelings........
If you talk to him just say " With all respect could you just limit contact w/ my GF Good Luck!!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? A relationships base is honesty and trust..
Why dun u just ask her bout it?
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? Talk to her about it and explain your feelings but keep in mind that she choose you that must mean she must really like you or you are really special to her. And dont believe her friends cause they could be jealous or want you and her to break up that happens alot and you need to trust her so talk to her.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? i think that u should tell her that u dont like whats goin on and if see does not care then break up with her
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? dang son what u have to do is tlk to her and tell her how u feel i cannot stress this enough i see tons of questions like this!! dawg relation ships are all about communication if u dont tlk things out then its all hell for all yall! i suggest u call her tonight and tellher how u feel if she starts trippin then let her trip! why would she be mad if u asked her this? she wouldent unless she liked him right? so basically this is kinda like a test but also respect her answer if she says no then dont call her a liar NO MEANS NO i mean if u bugs u that much then maybe you should bounce with somebody whos been single for along time ya dig?
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? There is a reason why she choose you. However, if there were feelings for this other guy then you should give her time to get al lof this out of her system. if it was love you have to remember that love doesn't go away over night. but you should tell her that you have a problem with it and be honest with her, then see where it goes. GOOD LUCK!!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? I have experienced this exact situation with my boyfriend's contact with his ex-girlfriend. Of course it is natural for you to feel jealous, I admit that I was jealous and somewhat insecure because of the fact that she was his EX. Obviously, an ex is a part of one's life emotionally as well as romantically, so it is common for someone to get worried. I would get upset whenever my boyfriend would talk to his ex and i did not understand why he would still talk to her because it hurt me. I never trusted his ex and my worries became a reality when he cheated on me with her (sex) after five months of our relationship. I could not believe that the one guy who I had fallen in love with had cheated on me with his ex! If i were you, i would try to talk to your girlfriend and tell her how you feel about the situation. Ask her how she would feel if she were in your place...I am sure she would not like it if you were constantly talking to your ex. Keep your eyes open...and be careful!
good luck.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? It's not about him stealing her away. It seems that your girlfriend is immature and not ready for a real relationship. I'm not blaming her but it is common in young people to experiment with relationships. When someone is ready to commit to a relationship, you don't even have to tell them what not to do. Always use the judgement, shoe on the other foot. Anything that she does, would she like it if you did it? If not, then why is she doing it?
I'm going to be honest with you, nowadays, it's tough to find someone who is faithful. Today, people have way too many choices and options. All that does is make them indecisive.
Your girlfriend may want to be with you, but she is still curious aobut the other guy.
If I was you and I had this information, I would make a decision. If you don't like it then talk to her about it. Tell her you definitely don't want any contacts with him. Give her the reasons why. And ask if she is okay with you doing the same thing. I bet if she cared, she would not be okay with you talking to another girl. If she doesn't understand or doesn't comply, then she is not ready for a relationship. Just be friend. I don't think you should talk to him. He is only a third party and talking to him wouldn't really make a difference because the relationship is between you and her.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? if this happened to me and my boyfriend, i'd probably ask if he really likes me or the other girl. and let her pick, and if she not sure then tell her to make her decision quick cuz if it's gonna end, let it end soon. so you wont get hurt.
good luck!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? if your girlfriend really cared about you she wouldnt be flirting with other guys.....i think you sould be worred.......i see you you love her heaps and you also want to trust her that she wouldnt do anything that could break up the relationship.......she sould be able to talk to guys with out flrting its showing him that she is interested in him........... i know you love her but to mea she not showing you love back by flirting with other guys you are better off with out her because in a ways she is cheating on you with this guy when you are not around......if she is doing this behind your back what eles is she doing with this guy that you dont know about......i could help you find out what she is really up to with this guy.........does she have msn/ whats her myspace ........i hope i have helped if you need more advice please free to ask me
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? You need to talk to your girlfriend about this problem. If it is bothering you that much it needs to be addressed. You should go to her and tell her how it is making you feel. A healthy relationship is one where any topic can be discussed and worked out.
I don't think going to him will solve any thing. He wants her and she choose you, so he is just trying to get her to rethink her decision. Going to him would probably cause a fight between you and him, or you and her because she will think that you are going behind her back.
Keep the communication open between you and your girlfriend. Who knows, maybe her friends tell you some of these things because they like you. They could be making it up so that they can try to steal you away from her. So, talk to your girlfriend and find out what she is doing. Good Luck!!!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? Look I'm not one to rush things and it sounds like u have waited around for a while so go ask her who she likes and wants and talk to her about things because soon a while will become too long and when that happens u will be too late..........
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? my boi was in da same position and even around da same 3 month date ....i wasnt flirting w/ him thou....my boi juss came up 2 me and asked me (w/ out any attitude! or accusations!) if anything was up w/ him i appreciated da fact dat he did not get angry but wanted 2 hear my side of tha story...which is da same wut u should do ..... r u gonna b leave wut otha ppl sai even if they r her friends or ur girl friend?
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? You need to talk to her about it, sounds like she don't want to burn the bridge of opportunity with this other guy !! keeping you both on the hook !! if she can be "stolen away" so easily then dump her before she dumps you, she is playing games with your emotions !!!!
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? I was just recently in this situation and I did the same thing to the guy I was with. It turned out really bad and it got to the point where i started hooking up with the other guy and i tried to keep it a secret. After he found out it ruined our relationship and now we dont even talk anymore. I think you should talk to her about it, and if she does like that other guy you guys can still be friends and not ruin your friendship.
Worry about girlfriend talking to another guy that she use to be in love with? and still might be? First of all you should talk to her about it.
First perhaps make sure that she knows if she made the right choice or not. Than see what is up with him and her, if she has feelings. Ask her all the questions you need to, to feel you got all the answers you need to know. and then tell her how you feel about the situation.
Mind you. your only in high school and only 3 months of being together. shes not worth it if shes still into her ex.